Portrait Simple Blog

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a month for dad

It’s Dad’s turn! Father’s day is just around the corner, and we have tons of adorable options for personalized portraits of your kids. Our studios are loaded with ties, shirts, jerseys, footballs, baseballs, basketballs, and more (call your specific studio for an exact list). You’re also welcome to bring in your own personal items, like Dad’s work uniform or shoes! On top of all the cuteness, we’re running an amazing promotion all month so you can get him the perfect gift!

We made a tribute to Mother’s Day a few weeks ago with our favorite Mom portraits, so here’s an ode to Dad with our favorite portraits with fathers. Enjoy… and don’t forget to call ahead. Appointments are filling up quickly!

“By profession, I am a soldier and take pride in the fact. But I am prouder, infinitely prouder, to be a father.”
-General Douglas MacArthur
“And you will always have a part of me
Nobody else is ever gonna see but you and me”

-From “Gracie” by Ben Folds
“No matter what mistakes I make
you’re there for me
You kill my disappointments
and you heal my pain
You understood my fears
and you protected me
I treasure every irreplaceable memory”
-from “Daddy” by Beyonce
“There are three stages of a man’s life: He believes in Santa Claus, he doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, he is Santa Claus.”-Unknown
“I know you were on my side
Even when I was wrong
And I love you
for giving me your eyes
Staying back
and watching me shine
And I didn’t know if you knew
So I’m taking this chance
to say that I had
the best day
With you today”
-From “The Best Day” by Taylor Swift
“My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass.’ ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply. ‘We’re raising boys.'” – Harmon Killebrew
“Then the light begins to shine
And I hear those ancient lullabies.
And as I watch this seedling grow,
Feel my heart start to overflow.
Where do I find the words to say?
How do I teach him?
What do we play?
Bit by bit, I’ve realized
That’s when I need them,
That’s when I need my father’s eyes.”

-From “My Father’s Eyes” by Eric Clapton
“A photograph never grows old. You and I change, people change all through the months and years, but a photograph always remains the same. How nice to look at a photograph of mother or father taken many years ago. You see them as you remember them. But as people live on, they change completely. That is why I think a photograph can be kind.” -Albert Einstein
“A grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart.”-Unknown
“Your faith, your love
And all that you believe
Have come to be the strongest part of me
And I will always be your baby”

-From “Always Be Your Baby” by Natalie Grant

“A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child.” -Knights of Pythagoras

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